Greenway Amateur Hockey Association

DIBS Refund Request Form


Welcome to the DIBS Refund Request Form Registration!

Please complete this form after you have completed your required DIBS sessions.  Your fee cannot be partially refunded and cannot be refunded until you have paid the concessions fee in full.  (ex:  if you are on the payment plan and haven’t completed all payments, your fee cannot be refunded until you have paid the fee in full.)


Please direct any questions regarding the DIBS refund to:

Karine Woodman

Treasurer (term expires 4/30/2023)

Katie Sertich

Tournament Director (term expires 4/30/2024)

Phone: 218-256-5388 /

Mindy Tammi

Fundraising Director (term expires 4/30/2023)

Phone: 218-256-1654